Member Benefits

PPGA provides members with a wide range of benefits including national representation through its affiliation with the National Propane Gas Association. As a member of PPGA, you have access to an extensive set of benefits that can help your business succeed.

  • Advocacy & Action
    Pro-active involvement with all state and federal legislation and regulations affecting the propane industry in Oregon, Washington, Alaska and Hawaii.
  • Safety & Training
    PPGA offers certified and non-certified employee training for those in the propane field or looking to obtain certification. We offer a wide-range of CETP classes, as well as important safety and  training classes.
  • Communications
    The association’s digital magazine, The Propane Post, is distributed to industry members quarterly which includes a legislative report to keep PPGA members informed of changing laws. We also extend our reach through our e-newsletter, Propane News Brief, which is emailed to members bi-weekly. You’ll also find a wealth of information on our blog.
  • Membership Directory
    A list of all PPGA members, board members, and state legislators is published annually. Members include retail marketers of propane gas and appliances, producers and wholesalers of propane, propane appliance and equipment manufacturers and distributors, fabricators of propane cylinders and tanks, transporters of propane gas, and other companies interested in propane.
  • Dick Start Scholarship Program
    The Dick Start Scholarship Program is for PPGA members, their employees and their families. Each year, the PPGA awards up to four scholarships between $500-$1,000 in honor of Dick Start.
  • Safety and Marketing Materials
    Through the NPGA Resource Catalog and PERC resource center, a wealth of information, including handbooks, pamphlets, videos, and other materials, is available to promote safe practices and to market propane.
  • Discounted Meetings
    Members receive discounted registration rates for the PPGA Annual Convention held in the summer and the Western Propane Trade Show and Convention held in Reno, Nevada.
  • National Propane Gas Association
    The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) also provides a vast amount of information to members on federal laws and regulations, industry trends and other important matters. A PPGA Active Membership includes membership in NPGA.
  • Member Benefit (Affinity) Programs
    Through NPGA, PPGA offers a full range of services and programs to meet your business, employee and personal needs with the goal to help you and your business be successful and profitable. Additionally, the PPGA offers 2 programs outlined below.

Member Benefit (Affinity) Program

Safety Compliance

P3 Duty to Warn specializes in turn-key annual propane safety mailing services for the propane industry nationwide. They have extensive experience developing and implementing personalized, branded messages and propane safety information brochures to help propane companies keep their customers safe and maintain compliance with industry best practices. P3 Duty to Warn is proud to partner with the MPGA to offer cost-effective annual propane safety mailing services to association members including: personalized introduction letter, scratch-and-sniff propane safety brochure, third-party verification certificate, and cost-effective printing and postage. Visit for more information.